Nature of Man
… nothing that happens to Man is ever natural

23 March 2006, Thursday

Lies, Damn Lies and Concealed Truths

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mordred @ 14:22

Another “interesting” statistics chart which is sorted by the most meaningless column. Of course all becomes clear when one sorts it by gender ratio — not anyone would want their embassies bombed by non-violent protesters…

The “gender ratio” column means “males per 100 females”. Listing top 30 and bottom 10:

214 United Arab Emirates
206 Qatar
150 Kuwait
132 Bahrain
128 Oman
117 Saudi Arabia
108 Brunei Darussalam
108 Jordan
108 Samoa
108 Timor-Leste
107 Afghanistan
107 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
107 Solomon Islands
107 Western Sahara
106 China
106 Maldives
106 New Caledonia
106 Pakistan
106 Papua New Guinea
105 French Guiana
105 French Polynesia
105 Guinea
105 India
105 Niger
104 Bangladesh
104 Guam
104 Occupied Palestinian Territory
104 Tonga
90 Martinique
89 China, Hong Kong SAR
89 Netherlands Antilles
88 Belarus
87 Armenia
87 Lesotho
87 Lithuania
87 Russian Federation
85 Estonia
85 Ukraine
84 Latvia

It is interesting to note that the bottom 10 contain mainly ex-USSR republics, and many of them appear in the above-mentioned suicide rate chart. Has this any connection with the number of pirates I am not qualified to comment though.

It is also notable that top 30 countries with the lowest female life expectancy are hardly the same as those with the worst female to male ratio, which points an accusing finger at female infanticide not only in India and China.

30.53 Botswana
35.17 Zambia
35.94 Swaziland
36.34 Mozambique
36.81 Lesotho
36.99 Zimbabwe
37.55 Angola
37.88 Malawi
38.64 Namibia
39.96 Rwanda
41.75 Ethiopia
41.97 Niger
42.66 Afghanistan
43.08 Central African Republic
43.98 South Africa
44 Burundi
44.44 Djibouti
44.76 Cote d’Ivoire
45.1 Kenya
45.21 Sierra Leone
45.61 Tanzania
45.83 Burkina Faso
45.87 Mali
46.83 Uganda
48.83 Cameroon
48.92 Guinea-Bissau
48.99 Liberia
49.46 Somalia
49.63 Chad
50.55 Congo, Rep. of the

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